The Big C salves


4oz salve.

The All in one medicinal salve that soothes and heals all types of dermatitis/rashes including diaper rash mild to severe Eczema, psoriasis, shingles.

Provides pain relief and healing after Radiation treatments “only to be used once treatments are complete” soothes cracked heels/hands all types of fungal infections, provides pain relief and healing for 1st-degree burns, all minor cuts and scrapes, eases scarring for wounds, provides pain and itch relief for all types of insect bites. It has anti-viral properties to prevent infections made with calendula infused organic sunflower oil organic shea butter organic coconut oil.

Directions: Apply 3to 4 times daily for best results, can be applied up to 10 times daily depending on individual needs.

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Weight 4.6 oz